Monday, October 1, 2007

A study

Two Musicians and two styles of playing.

I took this concept and a piece of cardboard and went to work.

I also used Marker, oil paint, and Tissue Paper in my first mixed media piece and it's changed the way I work on a piece now.

(displayed private collection Emerson Andrews)


Janae said...

nice work Ryan. I am glad you decided to try mixed media. It is a fun genre. The great thing about you is your passion for painting itself. You will always do good work as long as you work because you love it.

Gettysburg said...

I like the color families you use ^_^.... blues and reds. warm and cold. your piece has a good relationship as well as contrast to it, like an abstract pieter brugel of the new millenium. i wish i could look at the painting while i'm commenting on it... bastards... love you ^_^